A welcome post

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2011/08/30 by Mannix

Warm greetings!

This seems to be my first post of the blog….Actually I was about to commence a blog a few months ago but I just did not know where to start. So what this blog is all about? Well all the absurds of my daily work life interlaced by my thoughts on the latest technologies, gadgets and all the fancy movements in the IT world!

What am I doing where it comes to the professional life? I actively participate in the management and analysis undertakings of The God Project Of All Projects in my company. It has been recommended to us by one of the Top Consulting Companies of the World. They found magic where I find a daily routine 🙂 Well, actually The Project has exploded into a set of projects managed by people in my department who are overwhelmed by a huge number of tasks, do not have sufficient experience or are just simply incompetent. I hope I belong to the first of the aforementioned categories 🙂 You would perhaps think how come I manage projects being a Business Analyst….Well….that’s the point; the paper definition has nothing to do with the reality.

My daily life is like doing everything and nothing: a bit of the IT support writing SQL scripts and making sure that the ODBC data sources are properly installed on the users’ machines, trying to mend the falling pieces of the projects happily moving towards damnation, elaborating some crazy templates highly “recommended” by my boss, or helping one guy from the top management in using his beloved LaTeX (which is obviously not a standard tool…) Would you believe that? After over ten years of relevant experience I am given all this stuff, like a support guy! Officially I am one but calling me a Business Analyst is a very big semantic abuse. I am everything but a Business Analyst, in fact!

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